The International Association of Lions Clubs, District 404B1 has commenced the establishment of Eye Centers in six different Primary Health Centers in Ogun State.
The centers upon completion will not only provide quality eye care, including correcting refractive errors to those in need, it will also identify and educate people with other blinding conditions and refer such to the Ogun State General Hospital, Ota for further medical and surgical interventions.

The Ogun State Commissioner of Health, Dr Tomi Coker expresses the State Government’s appreciation to International Association of Lions Clubs, District 404B1 for supporting the government and the people of the state in health delivery services.

Speaking during the presentation of Memorandum of Understanding for the vision project in the Commissioner’s office, at the state secretariat in Abeokuta the Ogun State, Lions’ Vision Project Chairperson, Lions District 404B1 Past District Governor, Waheed Kadiri expressed the Lions appreciation for the Honorable Commissioner’s support for Lions’ vision projects in Ogun state
The Project Administrator, Past District Governor Lekan Babalola, in his presentation, said the six Eye centers will be fully functional and sustainable. Adding that vision care is a signature project for Lions District 404B1. The purpose of the Lions District 404B1 vision care intervention according to PDG Babalola is to improve the quality of life for individuals with vision impairment by increasing access to qualitative basic eye care services.
The six locations, according to the Project Administrator, are strategically selected to provide feeder services for the newly renovated and upgraded Lions’ Eye Clinic at the General Hospital, Ota. The Eye Centers, Babalola said, will be co-managed by Lions of Nigeria’s District 404B1 through a coordinating teamwork, with Ogun state Government ministry of Health. Adding that all the centers would be attached to the existing Primary Health Center (PHC) facilities.

The six new Eye Centers will run at Imeko, at Imeko Afon LGA; Ayetoro in Yewa North LGA, Ipokia in Ipokia LGA. Others include Ijoko, in Ifo LGA, Ilaro in Yewa South LGA and Idiroko . The vision intervention would also include provision of equipments, training of personnels on the equipment and accurate record keeping on all the six centers
PDG Babalola said the funding for the project is from Lions Club International Foundation in collaboration with Latter-Day Saints Charites.
Source: Dare Agbeluyi, Chief Publisher.
Publisher’s Note:
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