The International Association of Lions Club, District 404B1 Nigeria has visited Ijoko Primary Health Centre to begin the Recce for establishment of six modular eye centers in six different primary health centers in Ogun state to feed the ultra- modern Eye Clinic donated and funded by Lions Club International Foundation and Latter-Day Saints Charity at the State General hospital in Ota.
The Chairman of the Sustainable Vision Center Committee, Lion Waheed Kadiri, a past district governor of District 404B1 said the essence of the Recce is to inspect the primary health centers to assess its readiness in terms of logistic support for the Eye clinic/ laboratory. “We need to inspect the primary health centers in order to know the available facilities in terms of office space for screening, consultation, and equipment set up. In the event that the available facilities are not up to Lions Club International Foundation’s required standard, the committee is mandated to provide standard facilities to ensure sustainability of the eye center”
Before the committee visited the Ijoko Primary Health Center, it paid a courtesy call to the office of the Head of Local Government Administration/ MOH, Ado-Odo Ota local Government, Dr Adebola Bamgbose to inform him about the intention of international Association of Lions Club, Disrtict 404B1 to establish the modular Eye clinic in Ijoko Primary health Center.

In his remark, Dr Bamgbose noted that Eye service is an essential part of primary health services. He promised full cooperation of his office and the local government for the sustainability of the modular eye center
The Project Administrator, Past District Governor Lekan Babalola, in his presentation, said the proposed modular eye center that lions club is about to establish in the Ijoko primary health center will provide an all -encompassing eye treatment functions except cataract surgery. Adding that those in need of the surgery will be given referral to the Lions’ Ultra- Modern Eye Clinic at the State General Hospital, Ota.
The modular Eye Centre upon completion will serve the purpose of eye screening; examination and diagnostic as well as refraction. PDG Babalola said the eye center will be equipped with spectacle frames and optical workshop equipment including edging machines, lens meter, polishing machine, tint machine, grooving machine and optical pliers.

The visiting team identified some facilities inadequacies at the Ijoko primary health center and immediately map out strategic plans to upgrade the center to be able to deliver sustainable eye care services.
Other members of the team include Immediate Past District Governor, Lynda Oluremi Odumbaku, Lion Adetunji Adesina and the Secretary ogf Ogun State on eye health, Mr Aina Adekola
Source: Dare Agbeluyi, Chief Publisher.
Publisher’s Note:
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Kudos to the Lions, thanks for all you do.
Way to go