In continuation of the Recce for the establishment of modular eye centers in six different primary health centers in the West Senatorial District of Ogun State, The International Association of Lions Club, District 404B1 Nigeria visited Ipokia Local Government to inspect the facilities at the Alaga Primary Health Centre in order to site a state-of-the art Modular Eye Care Center.

Speaking during the visit to the leadership of Ipokia Local Government, including the Vice Chairman, Honorable Makanjuola James, the Head of the Local Government Administration (HOLGA) Mr Wale Adeosun, the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) Dr Akindele Adebayo and others, The Chairman of the Lions District 404B1’s Sustainable Vision Center Committee, Lion Waheed Kadiri, a Past District Governor of District 404B1 said the modular eye center is conceptualized to extend eye health service beyond Ota. Adding that two of the modular eye centers will be established in the Ipokia LG because of the prevalence of eye health issues in the area.
“We are here to inspect facilities at two primary health centres in this local government that we can refurbish, renovate and upgrade to international eye care service centers to meet eye health challenges in this area”. Kadiri added.
PDG Kadiri said the project, which is fully funded by Lions Clubs International Foundation in conjunction with Latter-Day Saints Charity will provide comprehensive eye health services for Ipokia LGA communities upon completion.
In his presentation to the Local Government leadership, the Project Administrator, PDG Lion Lekan Babalola, explained that the modular eye clinics when completed will feed the ultra- modern Eye Clinic, donated and funded by Lions Clubs International Foundation and Latter-Day Saints Charity, at the State General hospital in Ota. According to him, Lions Clubs International Foundation will not only equip the two beneficiary primary health centres in the local government area with Eye Health Service equipment, it will also train personnel including nurses and data capturing officer on how to use the equipment and how to capture data.
He solicited for the support of the local government to provide secured place and the personnel that Lions will train to deliver efficient eye health services in the modular centres. Apart from the nurses and the data officers, other human resources for the project include Optometrist and Ophthalmologist. PDG Babalola added that refurbishment and or construction will go simultaneously with personnel training
The Ogun State Eye Health Program Coordinator, Mr Aina Adetola, who led the Lions District 404B1 Sustainable Vision Center Committee to the Ipokia Local Government Secretariat said the LG is the right target for Lions’ modular eye care project as people with eye health issues are much more in the Ipokia/ Idi-Iroko axis of Ogun State
The Head of the Local Government Administration (HOLGA) Mr Wale Adeosun, thanked the Lions’ Vission committee for the thoughtfulness to consider Ipokia among the beneficiary local government for the eye modular clinic. He opined that the issue of personnel will be surmountable with the involvement of the state government in the project

In his response, the visibly excited Vice Chairman, Hon. Makanjuola James said the Local Government is in serious need of eye health service. According to him, the modular project will be of great benefit to the people. While assuring the vision team that the chairman of the local government will wholeheartedly support the project, he solicited for more lions’ service project for the area and expressed the desire to initiate formation of lions clubs in the Ipokia/ Idi-Iroko communities
Source: Dare Agbeluyi, Chief Publisher.
Publisher’s Note:
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Am just so happy that charity group like Lion is in Nigeria, but are there reasons why youths can be a part of them?
Am just so happy that charity group like Lion is in Nigeria, but are there reasons why youths can be a part of them?.
Waw!Good one.