A minimum of 2,565 patients of different eye health challenges are to be treated per year in the newly commissioned Idiroko Modular Eye Centre in Ipokia LGA of Ogun State. This was disclosed by the Lions District 404B1’s Ogun State Sustainable Vision Project Administrator, Lion (Past District Governor) Lekan Babalola, while reeling out the Key Performance Indicators for the Lions Eye Modular Centre, during the official commissioning of Idiroko Modular Eye Centre.

The Ogun State Commissioner for Health, Dr Tomi Coker, who was represented at the unveiling ceremony by Mr. Aina Adetola, the Ogun State Eye Health Program Secretary said that primary eye care is an integral part of primary health care aimed at preventing potentially blinding eye diseases. According to the commissioner, primary eye care includes eye health education, symptom(s) identification, visual acuity measurement, basic eye examination, diagnosis, treatment, and or timely referral of individuals with treatable causes of blindness.
The honorable commissioner expressed appreciation to the funding partners of the project. According to her, “it will be out of place if I do not appreciate those responsible for what we are witnessing today. I want at this juncture humbly appreciate the commitment and passion with which Lions Clubs International Foundation and Latter-Day Saint Charities put into making this day a reality in Ogun State”.
The Ipokia Local Government Secretary, Chief Yemi Bamgboye who represented the Local Government Chairman to do the unveiling of the modular center expressed appreciation to Lions District 404 B1 District Governor, Lion Kema Ashibiogwu, and the Sustainable Vision Project Committee for bringing the modular eye center to Idiroko. She equally congratulated the people of Idiroko, including the traditional leader, who came to the center to have their eyes examined, for having the center in their domain. She admonished the people to visit the center for all their eye health challenges.
The Idiroko Modular Eye Center like the other six centers under the Sustainable Vision Project in Ogun State, according to The Project Administrator, Lion (PDG) Lekan Babalola, is fully equipped and will be manned by well trained personnel. The equipment at the center includes screening equipment, examination and diagnostic gadgets, refraction equipment, optical workshop, prescription glasses and other accessories. Adding that a standby generator is also provided for seamless operation of the center.

Source: Dare Agbeluyi, Chief Publisher.
Publisher’s Note:
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